09 May 2019

How do I add my own profile picture?

Smashbombers that have uploaded profile pictures are over 600% more likely to gain followers than those that have not.

Adding a profile picture is super-simple. 

Start by clicking on your existing profile image in the top right hand corner of the screen. This will display the user menu from which you should select the ‘My profile’ option.

You will now be taken to your user profile page. From here, click on ‘Edit account’. Change the existing profile image by clicking on the existing image.

You can now follow the instructions and upload your own profile photo. Please note that image file sizes must not exceed 3MB, and should be one of the following image extensions: jpg, png, jpeg, tiff.

Finally, you can edit the positioning of the image by selecting the edit icon (the middle icon above). This allows you to change the area of the photo visible to other Smashbomb users:

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