07 Nov 2018
Fantastic Board Games For A Friday Night…
Remember the days when you used to come home from school and sit playing games with your best friends? Well, not everyone will so we wanted to ask a number of Smashbombers to recommend some board games to play this Friday night!
We have put together some of the best board games that we could find. We asked our users to tell us what their favourite Friday night board games are, and we’ve added in a few of our own. Let’s dive in;
Sushi Go Party!
Sushi Go Party! is a simple enough game to learn, even if you have no experience with playing board games. This is the type of game that you can play with family after dinner and play with friends after a few drinks. The idea of the game is basic card drafting where you are dealt a set of cards and you have to choose one and pass the rest. Each card has a score that it builds and the person with the highest score at the end wins. This is the perfect gateway game for you to try!
The Resistance
Gather 5 of your closest allies, and overthrow a Government or sabotage a Resistance plan. The Resistance is a slightly harder game to get your head around, but is a perfect game to play at a first-time games night. You’ll need between 5 and 10 players to play this game – each player will be given a character card and will be either a member of The Resistance or an Imperial Spy. The whole idea of the game is to guess who is a spy and to win as a group.
“This is one of my favorite games to play with a large group. It’s a pretty quick game but varies depending on how much your group likes to argue.” – Allory Auflick
7 Wonders
Ever wanted to visit the 7 Wonders Of The World? Well, in this game you can be a leader of an ancient civilisation and you work to build one of the Wonders. This is one of the more advanced games on our list, but the game offers an easy way to play or a slightly more challenging way to play. After a few rounds you should be able to comfortably understand the gameplay and this will make it more fun for you and your teammates.
Games To Play When The Kids Have Gone To Bed
As fun as it is to play games as a family, there are a few games that just aren’t for kids. These games give you a chance to sit around with the adults and laugh about things that you might not normally laugh at.
What Do You Meme?
If you want to try something a little more light-hearted then this should be one of the games on your list. This is definitely an adults only game, but at least it can be enjoyed with a glass of wine. You’re given an image that has been seen as a popular meme and you need to pair that image card with a caption card. We’re looking forward to seeing some reviews on this game!
Cards Against Humanity
“A party game for horrible people.” Although you don’t have to be a bad person to play this game, it does help for you not to be easily offended. When you open the box the first thing you’ll see is the game rules. It’s important to know what you’re getting yourself into before you start. There are two card colours; black and white, the black cards have the question or statement on and the white cards are the funny answers that the player must draft. The person who has the funniest reply to the black card wins that round. This is a game that you can play for as long as you like, the person with the most black cards at the end is the winner.
“This is a game best played with people who aren’t easily offended, as it quickly goes downhill into dirty or rude hilarity. Personally, I find this to be an outstanding drinking game, and love breaking it out at parties because everything is somehow funnier that way.” – Connie
We would love to add more games to this list and need your help. Do you accept our challenge? Tweet us and tell us what games you decided to try…