13 Jul 2017
Major Update: Games Category Live, And The Launch Of Kudos Points
We are delighted to announce the launch of the next major Smashbomb update which is now live on the server. Yay!
There are a myriad of changes included in the update, but the main 2 are undoubtedly the introduction of the games category and kudos points…
Games Category
We have now added over 10,000 console and PC/Mac games dating back to the Nintendo (NES) for a ‘bit of retro’ all the way through to the PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch. So, if Mario Kart on the SNES was your thing (it was mine!) or if you’re more of a Grand Theft Autoer, there will be something for you to rate (and discover).
Kudos points (KP)
Smashbombers are awesome and we want to make sure that you are recognised for your positive activity on the website. So, we have launched Kudos Points (KP).
Users will receive KP for all sorts of actions, initially daily logins and ratings, but the use (and importance) of KP will be expanded to cover many more actions over the next few weeks, including the ability for users to award KP to each other for high quality ratings or posts.
You can see your current KP in brackets next to your user name (see image).
Kudos points are currently awarded to users for completing certain actions on Smashbomb. These include:
- Daily login (1 KP per day)
- Rating items (1 KP per rating)
- Bonus KP (bonus KP awarded by Smashbomb for other positive activity)
What are Kudos Points good for?
- For kudos!
- To qualify for more KP to award to others (coming soon)
- Unlock features – user with higher KP will be able to unlock admin features (coming soon)
- Giveaways – we will be running regular giveaways to users. Those with higher KP will qualify for better giveaways
- More to come…