23 Mar 2017
Feature Spotlight: Save Lists
We are getting there, we really are! The first phase of beta is underway and we are exploring some amazing feedback.
Some of the initial beta testing feedback we have received is that, when an item has been recommended to you by a user you are following, it would be really useful to be able to quickly save the item to a list for future consideration.
So, we have introduced a new feature called ‘Save Lists‘.
Save lists work by clicking the ‘Save’ icon on an item you are interested in remembering:
Once the save icon is clicked, you are notified that the item has been added to your Save List:
Then, you can access your Save List through your profile page. You can also set the Save List access to ‘public’ (default is private), meaning that others can see your Save List too.
We would like to thank our testers for all the feedback we have received so far!