12 Dec 2019
(v.19.12.12) Rate and Review Youtube Channels!
If you follow this blog, then you’ll know all the improvements and new features we’ve added to Smashbomb over the last year – most recently the Daily Missions and Widgets 🙂
But as time goes on, so do trends – and one trend that we’ve seen and heard from all you lovely users is Youtube Channels.
That’s why Smashbomb now has the feature to Rate, Review and Discover Youtube Channels!

Right underneath Video Games, you’ll find the shiny new tab for Youtube Channels, this is where you’ll find the Trending channels, and the most popular – like any other category.
However, this is where things get all new and cool! If you get onto a page of a channel – there not only will you find the normal information like the Sub-categories, a description and a founding year, but at the top, you’ll see their most recent uploads.

So not only can you rate and review them, but you can also watch them on Smashbomb! So get those recommendations in people – because you’ll find out whether you like the channel content or not without even leaving the platform <3
For all you parents out there, we’ve developed a new age rating feature on Smashbomb too!

This new feature blocks the viewing of content on Smashbomb for users under the age of 16, or 18 depending on the severity of the content type! But if you’re over 18 – you’re in the clear, but we still let you know whether there is any mature content in the description of the item 🙂
Also, did I mention adding an item has never been easier!?

When you go and add a Channel, we’ll ask you to add the Channel URL, once you’ve done this all the videos, profile images, and cover images will be automatically inputted – so have fun adding them!