by Imogen
in News, Startup Diary
12 Jul 2019
An exclusive look into the workings of Smashbomb
Smashbomb has been a journey, and everything we’ve done with it so far is all for the benefit of all of you – our lovely users.
That’s exactly why we want to show you some of the behind the scenes of Smashbomb – it is your platform after all.
Daily Missions
Since the launch of our daily missions, we’ve seen our ratings go through the roof! We’ve found so many benefits of why the daily missions work so well, they’re quick, easy and fun – and best of all – they get you rating things you completely forgot about!

So I wanted to give you a few little stats to really prove how great they are!
Before the implementation of Daily Missions, we were getting around about 1200 ratings every week. But now! We’re looking at a whopping 4000 each week.
If that’s not an improvement I don’t know what is!
Get Following
Now that you’re a Data expert, let’s update you on the Development side of things.
Have you ever been scrolling through a stream on Smashbomb, and found a review you really love – maybe you want to now follow this amazing user to see more of their content – but you don’t want to leave the page you’re on?

Well – worry no more! Smashbomb has your back, having easy to use follow buttons on most content for ease of following. Forget the long-winded route and say hello to the quick follow.
What do you want from Smashbomb Social?
Now, this might be something that a lot of you didn’t know. Smashbomb is on Instagram! *heart eyes*

We post some of the best quotes from the biggest films, books, and music on Smashbomb, but I want to know what you want to see.
Go over to @Smashbomb_Official and comment on a picture what you’d like to see next – we’re open to all suggestions so fire away.
Some other bits
Some last little bits I wanted to tell you about (since you’re part of the team)
We’re removing duplicate reviews, and allowing the infinite review where you can change your mind as many times as you want!
When you upload a video to an item, only the first video will now receive automatic KP – so get on it & quickly!
Happy reviewing 🙂