15 Sep 2017
Quality Update – Kudos Points
After much testing and feedback, we’ve decided to cease the AUTOMATIC awarding of Kudos Points (KP) for all reviews, ratings, new items and item edits. We feel that automatically giving KP on this basis was leading to a lack of quality in certain cases and that it worked against the ‘quality vision’ we have for Smashbomb.
Please note that you still earn KP for high quality reviews and content, as awarded by other users in the normal way, and also each day you log in to Smashbomb. Also note that your existing KP score will not be affected by these changes.
In addition, we have recently made receiving KP even more valuable. Awarding KP to content also shares that content to your followers. In other words, when another user awards KP to your content, your content is exposed to users who don’t currently follow you, leading to more followers yourself.
Coming soon – making KP even more valuable:
Currently, reviews on item page streams are currently ordered by most recent first. This will change so that reviews are ordered by KP (highest score first) as default, with an option for users to revert back to ordering ‘most recent first’ if preferred.
We are also working on a badge system based on KP earned on a per category and sub-category basis. Fancy becoming a ‘Movie Expert’ or even better, a ‘Horror Movie Expert’? You get to choose which badge you display from your earned badge collection!
LINK: Learn more about Kudos Points