02 Nov 2017
Smashbomb Update: 2nd November, 2017
It’s update time again at Smashbomb Towers after yet another couple of weeks of eating and sleeping badges, apps, creator perks and much, much more. Want to read what’s in todays update? Feast your eyes on this…
New Category – Apps
We’ve launched an entirely new category – Apps! Review mobile apps for both the iOS and Android operating systems and tell everybody about the latest apps that are making you more productive, more social, or helping you to play chess! Whatever your interests, there will be ‘undiscovered’ mobile apps that you will love.
Achievement Badges
We love Smashbombers, and want you to feel special. As we continue in our quest to build a community and a useful resource for all, we felt the need to reward those that submit high-quality reviews and those that spend time volunteering to help build the Smashbomb database of items, or improve the listings we already have live. The more kudos points you’re awarded by either Smashbomb or by other users, the more badges you will earn.
You can see how much progress you have made towards your next badges by clicking the ‘Badge progress’ link:
Note that we will be adding a wide range of new badges in the future, so watch this space.
Don’t forget to embed and share your badges to your own website and social media accounts!
Learn more about badges
Books – add editions and ASIN’s
Previously, you could only add a single ISBN to any book listing, meaning that when a different edition was searched for it could not be found through the ISBN alone. No more! From now on, users have the ability to add multiple editions to a book item.
In addition, where no ISBN exists or for Kindle editions, users can now add ASIN numbers which may be searched for in the same way as ISBN numbers.
‘Items added’ section added to user profiles
Want to know what items your friends have been adding? Well now you can be visiting their profile page with a new content section called ‘Items added’. Scroll through and have gander at what they’ve been adding and when.
Review data added to items
You can now see the split between an item’s ratings (reviews with less than 100 text characters) and reviews (more than 100 text characters). This data has been added next to the existing ratings data.
That’s the main flavour of the update but as always there are many other smaller tweaks, along with user interface and design improvements.
As always, we love feedback of all types – just click the purple button on the bottom-right and tell us what you think.
Happy Smashbombing!