09 Oct 2017
Smashbomb Update: 9th October, 2017
Yay! A new update is live (version 17.10.9). Importers, birthdays, and the paranormal – it’s all in there and much, much more!
Here’s the gist…
Import your reviews
This has been asked for many times by users and is live and ready. You can now import your reviews from Goodreads, IMDB, Rotten Tomatoes, and MetaCritic. We are also looking to add many more websites to this list so if you have a suggestion, just let us know!
Just click the ‘Import your reviews‘ link on your user menu and follow the instructions. It couldn’t be simpler!
Ratings hidden by default. Reviews for the win!
Ratings vs Reviews – we define any submission of over 100 text characters as a ‘review’ and any submission under 100 text characters as a ‘rating’.
Ratings will always be an important part of Smashbomb but the issue faced by many users was that ratings were swamping their streams making it harder and harder to find the higher quality ‘reviews’. So, we have decided to hide ratings from streams (other than the users own profile stream) by default whist giving the option to display them if they prefer. To display ratings or change your other stream display options, click the stream ‘filter’ button as follows:
Funky stream icons
We think the options below each stream post could have been clearer and more intuitive. So, we’ve decided to add these funky icons to draw the eye. Nice eh!
Enter the paranormal
Due to popular demand, we’ve now added a ‘Paranormal’ category for books. Please help us assign as many existing paranormal book titles to this category as possible!
Happy birthday Mr Dickens
Before this update, the oldest year of birth you could select as an authors birthday was 1867, omitting many of the greatest authors of all time. Now, we’ve made that date 1600, enabling all but the most ancient authors to have been born!
Layout improvements
We’ve tweaked, dabbled, and meddled with the layout and applied a large number of small changes. Expect many more design changes over the coming weeks.
Other improvements and fixes
We’ve also improved how the search engine works, fixed a whole bunch of sneaky little bugs (we do love Internet Explorer especially!) and a zillion other tweaks.
Well, thats all for now but keep an eye out for achievement badges, a mobile apps category, and other features coming in the next update.
Over and out (with a massive thank you once more!).