16 May 2017
Book Recommendations Start Pouring In…
Success!! We’ve had a great few days – the book category has been a hit with all you bookworms out there, but remember, the more ratings the merrier ( don’t be shy)! It’s the perfect way to find recommendations for summer. We’re constantly updating the site with the latest book releases and ratings so be sure to follow ‘BookCritics’ on our website and @Smashbombbooks on Twitter.
Some of the most anticipated books of 2017 have been added and include:
-‘The Twelve Lives’ of Samuel Hawley by Hannah Tinti
-‘A Court of Wings’ and Ruin by Sarah J.Maas
-‘Into the Waters’ by Paula Hawkins
If by some awful chance we haven’t added your favourite book (we hope you can forgive us) simple make a new page by clicking the ‘+’ on the left panel, there’s no limit! Add as many as you want! And if you know another book lover be sure to let them know.
Finally, thanks as always to our awesome beta testing community and remember it’s not too late to join our testers!