26 Jun 2017
Major Smashbomb Update Is Live – Music, Videos, Polls, Trending, New Design & More
It’s here. It’s happened. It’s live!
Some of you will know that we have spent a number of weeks toiling away on a huge new update for Smashbomb and we are all ‘fuzzy and gooey’ to be able to announce that it is now live.
Fancy a bit of info’? Don’t blame ya! Here are the main components of the new update…
- An entirely new design for the main website application, and the login/registration sections
- Music category added: you can now rate albums and individual tracks (or tracks ON albums)
- Video: upload videos to specific items and link them to tracks within an album. Then, you can rate them too!
- New ‘Videos’ category – rate and discover vides relating to other Smashbomb items
- Polls: you can now post polls for your followers to engage with. These are loads of fun!
- Internal search engine: we have completely replaced the existing search functionalist with a whole new version. Results are quicker and way more accurate
- Share ratings, posts, questions and ‘recommend me’s’ to your followers
- Trending items – see trending items in your stream, and within the discovery portal
- ‘People to follow’ suggestions are now made to you in-stream, based on your interests, activity, people you follow, location, etc
- Over 100 other improvements, tweaks and fixes
As aways, we need your feedback. Please let us know what you think and we would like to thank you once again for your support.