Making things quicker and easier – and a bit more fun (v19.06.20)
21 Jun 2019

Making things quicker and easier – and a bit more fun (v19.06.20)

All those really exciting things happening to Smashbomb are now officially here! (and yes, I am talking about the daily missions)

This all new and improved Smashbomb will make rating items, discovering items and just all round Smashbombing easier and way more fun!

Daily Missions

TaaDaa it’s here!

Now, when you log on every day you’re own personalised selection of items will show up in a very lovely looking carousel. All you have to do is rate them. If you don’t know the item in front of you – don’t worry, we won’t take it personally, you’ll still get your KP.

Once you’ve rated as many items that you know out of the ten in this quickfire mini-game, you then have the option to go back and write a review for them – if you want to.

Each day you’re going to be faced with a different one, and it’s all down to your beloved interests, so get them on and lets get this KP!

Finding what you’re looking for

On Smashbomb, we understand what it means to be able to find something you want to rate. And we also understand that our search bar doesn’t always live up to expectation.

That’s why now on Smashbomb we’ve made some great improvements to our search bar to really make it easy to find what you’re looking for.

Changing your opinion

At Smashbomb we know that when you rate or review something, your opinion might not be the same forever.

At the minute, you can’t re-review an item unless you wait 4 weeks. But we thought why re-review, why not just edit the original review?

That’s why we have improved the functionality of the edit button on your ratings/reviews. So that way, you can happily go and change your mind about everything you’ve ever written! Liked that film when it first came out but changed your mind when the hype died down? Don’t worry – it’s all good at Smashbomb!

Who knows, maybe in the future there might be another update where we improve this even more – you might just have to wait and see.

Some bits you might not notice

We’re fixing an issue where duplicate items showed up in a single list.

We’re fixing an issue where the Kudos button was unresponsive.

We’re changing the max number of items on a poll to 12 to improve load speed and performance (over 12 was creating issues!) and add video poll reliability.

Everything Else

As always, we’ve also added a whole bunch of other tweaks, fixes, and other improvements to optimize the Smashbomb experience for all.

Happy reviewing! 🙂

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