03 Feb 2020
Putting two and two together – Update (v.20.01.22)
It’s time for an update to go along with the year and the decade! This update is all about finding more things you’ll love, and less of what you don’t.
Related Items

Probably my favorite feature of this update – so that’s where we’ll start. Introducing the Related Items! You can now link any and every item together from… wait for it… ANY CATEGORY.
This can work for prequels, sequels, remakes, reboots, and damn right ripoffs – anything you can think of! So if you’ve read that book before the film – let people know – link them and post your glorious review of how that one director ruins the story.
The good thing is, once you’ve linked one item to another, for example, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (Book) to the film version, it immediately links back the other way too. So you can find far more items up your street by looking at the items themselves!
Last Activity
Ever wonder why that person you follow hasn’t been showing up much in your feed? Maybe it’s because they haven’t been online recently, but you might not have known that until right now.

With the new ‘Last Active’ feature, on your follow and following lists, Smashbomb will let you know when that user was last active on Smashbomb! This means you can unfollow all of those users who’s content may be abundant at the minute and follow those who post all the time!
But don’t worry – the activity doesn’t class as the last time you logged onto the platform – it classes as the last time you performed an action on the site, like a post, a follow etc.
Other Bits…
We’ve vastly improved our Anti-Fraud and Spam tools to help keep Smashbomb clean and uncluttered
Improved the User Mentioning System so that when you @ someone – you @ the right person!
You can now add ASIN numbers for Audiobooks
Happy Reviewing! 🙂