05 Dec 2017
Smashbomb Update: 5th December, 2017
It’s all going on at Smashbomb Towers!
We have today released a new update (v.17.12.5) which is live and all-singing and dancing right now. Here’s the upshot of what’s changed:
Smashbombers are awesome and we want the world to know it! See the new leaderboards which highlight the users that are the most active and revered by other Smashbombers. We’ve started with ‘Top Users By Total KP‘ and ‘Leading Editors‘, but this will be rolled out to an additional 4 leaderboards over the next update.
Leaderboards stats are updated regularly and show the last 7 days of data, meaning anybody can jump in and compete for the top ranking positions at any time.
Quick-add new items
Want to review an item but have found that it doesn’t exist on Smashbomb? Well, you can now add and review items in less than 20 seconds!
Simply click on the + icon next to the category name (on the sidebar) and add the basic item details along with your review (optional). The item is created, along with your review, immediately before giving you the option to go on and add additional details. Doing this gives you the credit of being the item creator which will lead to extra KP from other users over time.
Now, when you’re out an about, you can effortlessly add and review new items super-quickly.
Recently added
We add a lot of new items to Smashbomb every single day, but also recognise that we have a number of Smashbombers who also love to add items and earn the credit for doing so. So, we’ve decided to display a stream of all new items added by users (not admin’s) under the ‘Recent’ sidebar menu link.
Take a look, and whilst your there, do give kudos to the users that are working hardest to expand the number of items for the community.
Rating scale labels
We have decided to make the rating scores more consistent between users by adding labels to the rating scale. The labels range from ‘Disastrous’ to ‘Epic’.
Profile completion prompt
Smashbombers with a complete profile (all of the general fields completed and with a profile image uploaded) are considerably more likely to attract new followers and be suggested to other Smashbombers. So, where a users profile is incomplete, they will now see a progress bar prompt showing them how far they have to go to achieve a complete profile.
Other stuff…
As always, we’ve also realised a large number of tweaks, improvements, and updates following feedback from our amazing beta testing community. We couldn’t do it without you!
Smashbomb really is the greatest!